The new York-based company says its social media roots date back to the 1970s, when its mainframe programmers started discussion forums ( on system/ 370 consoles). IBM表示,社交媒体早在上世纪70年代就已在其内部扎根,当时IBM的主机程序员在System/370平台上开创了在线讨论区。
Hercules is an open source emulator for a variety of IBM mainframes ( including the System/ 370, ESA/ 390, and z/ Architecture). Hercules是开源仿真器,适用于各种IBM大型机(包括System/370、ESA/390和z/Architecture)。
The next 10 years represented the heyday of the mainframe DBMS, most of it centered on the IBM System/ 360 and its successor, the System/ 370 ( see sidebar, "Pre-relational DBMSs"). 接下来10年是大型机DBMS的鼎盛时期,其中大部分集中于IBMsystem/360及其后续产品System/370(见边栏预关系DBMSs)。